


Garden Tools

Garden Tools

  • 原价 $20.00
    原价 $20.00 - 原价 $20.00
    原价 $20.00
    现价 $18.00
    $18.00 - $18.00
    现价 $18.00

    Chikamasa B-500H 155mm 专业园艺剪刀


    “Chikamasa B-500H 155mm 专业园艺剪刀采用精密打磨的刀片和舒适的人体工程学手柄,旨在让园艺工作变得更加轻松。这些高品质剪刀非常适合修剪、修整和塑形,经久耐用。”

    原价 $20.00
    原价 $20.00 - 原价 $20.00
    原价 $20.00
    现价 $18.00
    $18.00 - $18.00
    现价 $18.00
    节省10% 节省%
  • 原价 $20.00 - 原价 $20.00
    原价 $20.00
    $22.00 - $22.00
    现价 $22.00

    Chikamasa TP-530 超轻专业园艺剪刀


    这些 Chikamasa TP-530 超轻专业园艺剪刀是满足您所有园艺需求的完美工具。这些剪刀采用轻巧、符合人体工程学的设计,可轻松高效地进行切割、修剪和修枝。它们采用高品质不锈钢刀片,一定能持续使用多年。今天就购买这些出色的剪刀,让您的园艺体验变得轻而易举!

    原价 $20.00 - 原价 $20.00
    原价 $20.00
    $22.00 - $22.00
    现价 $22.00
  • 原价 $36.00 - 原价 $36.00
    原价 $36.00
    $37.00 - $37.00
    现价 $37.00

    Ars Corporation Gc-130 园艺剪

    Ars Corporation

    Ars Corporation Gc-130 园艺剪是一款耐用且可靠的工具,可满足您的园艺需求。这些剪刀采用优质材料制成,使用寿命长,同时保持锋利的边缘。符合人体工程学的设计握感舒适,可轻松进行精确切割。无论您是专业人士还是初学者,这些剪刀都能让园艺变得轻而易举。

    原价 $36.00 - 原价 $36.00
    原价 $36.00
    $37.00 - $37.00
    现价 $37.00
  • 原价 $77.00 - 原价 $77.00
    原价 $77.00
    $80.00 - $80.00
    现价 $80.00

    Takagi Nano Next 20M 棕色软管卷盘 - 用户友好型花园必备品


    Takagi 软管卷盘 Nano Next 20M Brown 是一款用户友好的花园必备品。这款软管卷盘采用耐用塑料和耐候棕色涂层制成,可容纳长达 20 米的软管。它适用于冷水和热水,并配有内置张紧器,方便软管回收。这款可靠的卷盘非常适合日常园丁,可提供多年的服务。

    原价 $77.00 - 原价 $77.00
    原价 $77.00
    $80.00 - $80.00
    现价 $80.00
  • 原价 $34.00 - 原价 $34.00
    原价 $34.00
    $40.00 - $40.00
    现价 $40.00

    Kaneshika 碳素园艺剪刀 - 适合您花园的耐用钢制工具

    Kaneshika Tool

    介绍 Kaneshika 碳素园艺剪刀,这是一款耐用的钢制工具,专为您的花园多功能性而设计。无论您是种植、园艺还是制作美丽的插花,这些剪刀都能胜任。由新潟三条的 Kaneshika Tool Co., Ltd. 制造,每把剪刀都经过严格的生产过程,以确保产品质量上乘,经久耐用。使用后请记得彻底...

    原价 $34.00 - 原价 $34.00
    原价 $34.00
    $40.00 - $40.00
    现价 $40.00
  • 原价 $36.00
    原价 $36.00 - 原价 $36.00
    原价 $36.00
    现价 $35.00
    $35.00 - $35.00
    现价 $35.00

    Ars Corporation GC-380 园艺剪

    Ars Corporation

    Ars Corporation GC-380 园艺剪是任何园艺爱好者的必备品。这款剪刀由高品质不锈钢制成,具有出色的强度和耐用性,可剪断坚硬的灌木丛。符合人体工程学的手柄提供舒适的握感,让您轻松操作剪刀。有了五年保修,您可以放心,这些园艺剪将是您未来几年园艺工具包中必不可少的工具。

    原价 $36.00
    原价 $36.00 - 原价 $36.00
    原价 $36.00
    现价 $35.00
    $35.00 - $35.00
    现价 $35.00
    节省3% 节省%
  • 原价 $29.00
    原价 $29.00 - 原价 $29.00
    原价 $29.00
    现价 $27.00
    $27.00 - $27.00
    现价 $27.00

    Chikamasa Cri-360Sfbk 园艺剪刀 插花剪 18mm AH000360-020


    这款 Chikamasa Cri-360Sfbk 园艺剪刀 18mm AH000360-020 是园丁的完美工具。这款剪刀采用不锈钢刀片,可实现干净、精确的切割。这款剪刀采用人体工程学设计,可提供最大的舒适度和控制力。非常适合修剪和布置植物而不会损坏它们。

    原价 $29.00
    原价 $29.00 - 原价 $29.00
    原价 $29.00
    现价 $27.00
    $27.00 - $27.00
    现价 $27.00
    节省7% 节省%
  • 原价 $11.00 - 原价 $11.00
    原价 $11.00
    $12.00 - $12.00
    现价 $12.00

    Takagi Japan 种植箱和花园用土壤铲 - 优质 Takagi 工具


    Takagi Japan 种植箱和花园用土壤铲是一款高级园艺工具,可让您的园艺工作变得轻而易举。这款耐用且防锈的铲子由高级不锈钢制成,具有弯曲手柄,可增加舒适度和杠杆作用,并具有尖头,便于挖掘。它旨在轻松挖掘和铲起土壤,非常适合在种植箱和花园中工作。使用 Takagi Japan 种植箱和花园...

    原价 $11.00 - 原价 $11.00
    原价 $11.00
    $12.00 - $12.00
    现价 $12.00
  • 原价 $33.00
    原价 $33.00 - 原价 $33.00
    原价 $33.00
    现价 $30.00
    $30.00 - $30.00
    现价 $30.00

    Ars Corporation 140Dx-Y 家庭轻型园艺剪(豪华黄色)

    Ars Corporation

    Ars Corporation 的这款豪华黄色 140Dx-Y 家庭轻型园艺剪刀性能可靠耐用,适合户外园艺任务。其轻巧的设计确保使用方便舒适。这些剪刀非常适合修剪粗树枝和树篱。

    原价 $33.00
    原价 $33.00 - 原价 $33.00
    原价 $33.00
    现价 $30.00
    $30.00 - $30.00
    现价 $30.00
    节省9% 节省%
  • 原价 $32.00
    原价 $32.00 - 原价 $32.00
    原价 $32.00
    现价 $28.00
    $28.00 - $28.00
    现价 $28.00

    Ars Corporation 140Dx-G 家庭轻型园艺剪(豪华绿)

    Ars Corporation

    这款 Deluxe Green Ars Corporation 140Dx-G 家庭轻型园艺剪刀具备您园艺项目所需的所有功能。采用轻质材料,易于操作,锋利的刀片可进行精确切割,您可以快速高效地完成工作。非常适合日常家庭园艺和小规模景观美化项目。

    原价 $32.00
    原价 $32.00 - 原价 $32.00
    原价 $32.00
    现价 $28.00
    $28.00 - $28.00
    现价 $28.00
    节省13% 节省%
  • 原价 $65.00
    原价 $65.00 - 原价 $65.00
    原价 $65.00
    现价 $60.00
    $60.00 - $60.00
    现价 $60.00

    Ars Corporation 园艺剪 150-0.6D

    Ars Corporation

    “使用 Ars Corporation 园艺剪刀 150-0.6D 让园艺变得简单。这些优质剪刀旨在实现最高效率和舒适度。它们采用轻量级设计和不锈钢刀片,每次都能实现精确切割。”

    原价 $65.00
    原价 $65.00 - 原价 $65.00
    原价 $65.00
    现价 $60.00
    $60.00 - $60.00
    现价 $60.00
  • 原价 $64.00
    原价 $64.00 - 原价 $64.00
    原价 $64.00
    现价 $56.00
    $56.00 - $56.00
    现价 $56.00

    Ars Corp U-600L 轻型园艺剪刀

    Ars Corporation

    Ars Corp 的 U-600L 园艺剪刀重量轻但功能强大,是园艺工作的理想选择。这些剪刀旨在使切割和修剪更轻松、更快捷,其舒适的握柄确保易于使用。U-600L 剪刀采用优质材料制成,经久耐用。

    原价 $64.00
    原价 $64.00 - 原价 $64.00
    原价 $64.00
    现价 $56.00
    $56.00 - $56.00
    现价 $56.00
    节省13% 节省%
  • 原价 $30.00
    原价 $30.00 - 原价 $30.00
    原价 $30.00
    现价 $22.00
    $22.00 - $22.00
    现价 $22.00

    Ars Corporation Cam-18Pro-1 木工和园艺锯备用刀片

    Ars Corporation

    Ars Corporation Cam-18Pro-1 备用刀片是任何木匠或园丁的必备工具。这款耐用、可靠的刀片非常适合切割木材、塑料等。凭借其锋利的刀刃和长手柄,它是任何工作的理想选择。每次使用这款必备工具都能获得完美的切割效果。

    原价 $30.00
    原价 $30.00 - 原价 $30.00
    原价 $30.00
    现价 $22.00
    $22.00 - $22.00
    现价 $22.00
    节省27% 节省%
  • 原价 $54.00
    原价 $54.00 - 原价 $54.00
    原价 $54.00
    现价 $49.00
    $49.00 - $49.00
    现价 $49.00

    Ars Corp Cam-18Pro 木工/园艺锯

    Ars Corporation

    Ars Corp Cam-18Pro 木工/园艺锯是专业木工和园艺项目的终极工具。这款锯子采用强大的电机和可调节的刀片,旨在提供精确的结果。符合人体工程学的手柄使其易于操作,可调节的深度止动装置确保每次都能获得准确的结果。凭借其耐用性和性能,Cam-18Pro 是任何木工或园艺工作的完美选择。

    原价 $54.00
    原价 $54.00 - 原价 $54.00
    原价 $54.00
    现价 $49.00
    $49.00 - $49.00
    现价 $49.00
    节省9% 节省%
  • 原价 $67.00
    原价 $67.00 - 原价 $67.00
    原价 $67.00
    现价 $59.00
    $59.00 - $59.00
    现价 $59.00

    Okatsune 221 园艺剪刀 D 型盒装 - Tsune Oka

    Tsune Oka

    介绍 Okatsune 221 花园剪刀 - 一款坚固耐用的手工制作工具,旨在满足您的园艺需求。Tsune Oka D 型剪刀采用优质日本钢材制成,采用人体工程学设计,使用舒适。它们装箱,便于存放和运输。使用 Okatsune 221 花园剪刀可获得专业级园艺效果。

    原价 $67.00
    原价 $67.00 - 原价 $67.00
    原价 $67.00
    现价 $59.00
    $59.00 - $59.00
    现价 $59.00
    节省12% 节省%
  • 原价 $24.00 - 原价 $24.00
    原价 $24.00
    $26.00 - $26.00
    现价 $26.00

    Chikamasa CRI-161SP 园艺剪


    Chikamasa CRI-161SP 园艺剪是追求精准和品质的园丁和园艺家的完美工具。这些剪刀采用不锈钢刀片,具有最大的耐用性和卓越的切割性能。符合人体工程学的手柄提供舒适的握持感,适合长时间使用,可调节刀片可实现精确修剪。凭借其卓越的品质和耐用的结构,Chikamasa CRI-161SP...

    原价 $24.00 - 原价 $24.00
    原价 $24.00
    $26.00 - $26.00
    现价 $26.00
  • 原价 $28.00 - 原价 $28.00
    原价 $28.00
    $30.00 - $30.00
    现价 $30.00

    Hasegawa 刀具 黑色不锈钢家用园艺剪刀 AW-165HB-E

    Hasegawa Knives

    长谷川刀具黑色不锈钢家用园艺剪刀 AW-165HB-E 为您带来精准体验。这些防锈剪刀非常适合家庭园艺,刀片锋利耐用,可确保出色的切割效果。

    原价 $28.00 - 原价 $28.00
    原价 $28.00
    $30.00 - $30.00
    现价 $30.00
  • 原价 $55.00
    原价 $55.00 - 原价 $55.00
    原价 $55.00
    现价 $54.00
    $54.00 - $54.00
    现价 $54.00

    Ars Corporation TL-27Pro 木工/园艺锯

    Ars Corporation

    Ars Corporation TL-27Pro 木工/园艺锯是您工具箱的完美补充。它提供最大功率和精确切割,是木工和园艺项目的理想选择。其符合人体工程学的设计使其使用起来很舒适,而其耐用的结构确保了持久的性能。今天就购买这款高品质锯,满怀信心地开始您的项目吧!

    原价 $55.00
    原价 $55.00 - 原价 $55.00
    原价 $55.00
    现价 $54.00
    $54.00 - $54.00
    现价 $54.00
    节省2% 节省%
  • 原价 $32.00
    原价 $32.00 - 原价 $32.00
    原价 $32.00
    现价 $26.00
    $26.00 - $26.00
    现价 $26.00

    Ars Corporation TL-24Pro-1 木工和园艺锯备用刀片

    Ars Corporation

    您是否正在寻找一款终极锯片,让您轻松完成木工和园艺工作?Ars Corporation TL-24Pro-1 木工和园艺锯备用刀片是完成这项工作的完美工具。这款锯片性能卓越、耐用且准确,可帮助您快速高效地完成工作。使用 Ars Corporation 完成工作!

    原价 $32.00
    原价 $32.00 - 原价 $32.00
    原价 $32.00
    现价 $26.00
    $26.00 - $26.00
    现价 $26.00
    节省19% 节省%
  • 原价 $55.00
    原价 $55.00 - 原价 $55.00
    原价 $55.00
    现价 $54.00
    $54.00 - $54.00
    现价 $54.00

    Ars GC-150-0.6 园艺锯

    Ars Corporation

    这款 Ars GC-150-0.6 园艺锯是一款功能强大的工具,可轻松切割树枝和灌木。其 0.6 毫米刀片由高级碳钢制成,并配有防滑手柄,可牢固抓握。它重量轻但耐用,是园丁的理想选择。使用这款可靠的园艺锯,您可以快速轻松地完成园艺项目。

    原价 $55.00
    原价 $55.00 - 原价 $55.00
    原价 $55.00
    现价 $54.00
    $54.00 - $54.00
    现价 $54.00
    节省2% 节省%
  • 原价 $36.00 - 原价 $36.00
    原价 $36.00
    $37.00 - $37.00
    现价 $37.00

    Ars Corp G 经典园艺剪 GC-140

    Ars Corporation

    : 介绍 Ars Corp G Classic 园艺剪刀 GC-140 - 满足您所有园艺需求的完美选择。这些剪刀采用轻巧的设计和符合人体工程学的手柄,在修剪植物时提供卓越的舒适性和控制力。它们由耐用的不锈钢制成,经久耐用。使用锋利的刀片,您可以轻松精确地修剪树枝和树枝。每次使用 Ars ...

    原价 $36.00 - 原价 $36.00
    原价 $36.00
    $37.00 - $37.00
    现价 $37.00
  • 原价 $53.00
    原价 $53.00 - 原价 $53.00
    原价 $53.00
    现价 $49.00
    $49.00 - $49.00
    现价 $49.00

    Ars Corporation GC-220 园艺锯

    Ars Corporation

    ,且内容应具有独特性。 Ars Corporation GC-220 园艺锯是任何园艺爱好者的理想之选。它具有锋利的刀片和符合人体工程学的手柄,可快速切割植物和树枝。持久耐用的结构确保它能满足您所有园艺需求,经久耐用。

    原价 $53.00
    原价 $53.00 - 原价 $53.00
    原价 $53.00
    现价 $49.00
    $49.00 - $49.00
    现价 $49.00
    节省8% 节省%
  • 原价 $30.00
    原价 $30.00 - 原价 $30.00
    原价 $30.00
    现价 $26.00
    $26.00 - $26.00
    现价 $26.00

    Ars Corporation TL-27Pro-1 木工和园艺锯替换刀片

    Ars Corporation

    对于此描述, 介绍 Ars Corporation TL-27Pro-1 木工和园艺锯替换刀片 - 满足您所有锯切需求的完美工具。这款耐用且持久的替换刀片旨在让您的切割和锯切任务更轻松。凭借其卓越的锋利度和强度,它是所有类型的木工和园艺任务的理想选择。使用 Ars Corporation T...

    原价 $30.00
    原价 $30.00 - 原价 $30.00
    原价 $30.00
    现价 $26.00
    $26.00 - $26.00
    现价 $26.00
    节省13% 节省%
  • 原价 $33.00 - 原价 $33.00
    原价 $33.00
    $36.00 - $36.00
    现价 $36.00

    Ars Corporation 140Dx-P 家庭轻便/小型花卉/园艺剪刀(豪华/粉色)

    Ars Corporation

    隆重推出 Ars Corporation 140Dx-P 系列轻便/小型花卉/园艺剪刀(豪华/粉色)。这些轻便剪刀非常适合家庭园艺者,专为精确修剪和剪裁花卉和树叶而设计。这些剪刀具有舒适的手柄和易于使用的设计,是任何家庭花园的完美补充。

    原价 $33.00 - 原价 $33.00
    原价 $33.00
    $36.00 - $36.00
    现价 $36.00


Discover High-Quality Garden Tools at Kiichin: Your Partner for Gardening Excellence

A beautiful garden requires the right tools, and Kiichin’s Garden Tools Collection offers the perfect combination of precision, durability, and ergonomic design. Whether you’re a seasoned gardener or just starting your journey, investing in high-quality tools makes all the difference. Explore this curated collection of Japanese-inspired garden tools that elevate your gardening experience.

The Importance of Using the Right Garden Tools

Gardening is a rewarding activity, but it demands the right tools to ensure efficiency and satisfaction. Here’s why choosing premium garden tools matters:

  • Enhanced Efficiency

High-quality tools reduce physical strain, making tasks like digging, pruning, and weeding faster and easier.

  • Durability

Tools made from premium materials withstand wear and tear, saving you money in the long run.

  • Precise Results

Ergonomically designed tools enable precise cuts, plant care, and soil preparation.

  • Improved Gardening Experience

Well-designed tools not only enhance functionality but also make gardening more enjoyable.

Kiichin's Garden Tools: Crafted for Excellence

Kiichin’s Garden Tools Collection combines Japanese craftsmanship with modern design to deliver tools that stand out in quality and functionality. Here’s a breakdown of the top categories available:

Pruning Tools

  • Pruners and Shears: Perfect for trimming plants and shrubs with precision, these tools ensure clean cuts to promote healthy growth.

  • Loppers: Ideal for tackling thicker branches, loppers provide the leverage needed for heavy-duty pruning.

Ars Corporation GC-380 Gardening Shears

Shop now: Ars Corporation GC-380 Gardening Shears

Kiichin offers a variety of high-quality garden tools designed to make your gardening tasks easier and more efficient. Among the essential tools available are:

Hose Reel


A hose reel is essential for keeping your garden hose organized and tangle-free. This tool helps with easy watering of your garden by providing a convenient way to store the hose when not in use, keeping it safe from damage and ready for the next task. It also makes watering your plants more efficient by reducing the time spent untangling hoses.

Takagi Nano Next 20M Brown Hose Reel

Buy now: Takagi Nano Next 20M Brown Hose Reel - User-Friendly Garden Essential

Gardening Scissors

Gardening scissors are perfect for precise cutting of small branches, flowers, and other delicate plants. These scissors come with sharp, rust-resistant blades designed to make your trimming tasks smoother. They are especially useful for pruning and shaping plants without causing damage to the stems or leaves.

Kaneshika Carbon Gardening Scissors - Durable Steel Tool for Your Garden

Shop now: Kaneshika Carbon Gardening Scissors - Durable Steel Tool for Your Garden

Soil Scoop for Planters and Gardens

A soil scoop is an indispensable tool for planting and transplanting. It allows you to handle soil easily, scoop it into pots, or work it into garden beds. These scoops are designed to handle a variety of soil types and can be used for tasks like filling planters or spreading mulch across the garden.

Takagi Japan Soil Scoop for Planters and Gardens - Premium Takagi Tool

Bring it home: Takagi Japan Soil Scoop for Planters and Gardens - Premium Takagi Tool

Carpenter/Gardening Saw

For larger projects like cutting through thicker branches or pruning trees, a carpenter or gardening saw is the ideal tool. These saws feature specialized teeth and ergonomic handles, making them effective for cutting wood, branches, and other garden materials. They offer precision and control, making tree trimming and woodworking in the garden easier and more accurate.

Ars Corp Cam-18Pro Carpenter/Gardening Saw

Get it here: Ars Corp Cam-18Pro Carpenter/Gardening Saw

These essential tools can help you perform a range of gardening tasks with greater ease, efficiency, and precision. Whether you’re maintaining your plants or preparing new ones for growth, having the right tools makes all the difference.


Features to Look for in Garden Tools

When selecting garden tools, consider these essential features:

  • Material

Stainless steel and aluminum are excellent choices for durability and rust resistance.

  • Handle Design

Look for ergonomic handles that reduce strain during prolonged use.

  • Weight

Lightweight tools are easier to handle, especially for tasks requiring precision.

  • Blade Sharpness

Sharp blades ensure clean cuts, reducing damage to plants and prolonging tool life.

  • Eco-Friendly Design

Tools made with sustainable materials are better for the environment.

The Benefits of Premium Garden Tools

  • Time Savings

Sharp, durable tools minimize the effort required, allowing you to complete tasks quickly.

  • Healthier Plants

Precise cuts and proper soil preparation tools improve plant health and growth.

  • Reduced Fatigue

Ergonomic designs reduce strain on hands, arms, and back, making gardening a more enjoyable activity.

  • Cost-Effective Investment

High-quality tools last longer, offering better value over time compared to cheaper alternatives.

Caring for Your Garden Tools

To extend the life of your tools, follow these maintenance tips:

  • Clean After Each Use

Remove dirt and sap from blades and handles to prevent rust and wear.

  • Sharpen Regularly

Keep cutting tools sharp for precise results and easier operation.

  • Oil Moving Parts

Lubricate hinges and joints to ensure smooth functionality.

  • Store Properly

Keep tools in a dry, cool place to prevent rust and degradation.

  • Inspect for Damage

Regularly check for wear and replace parts as needed to maintain performance.

Why Shop Garden Tools at Kiichin?

Kiichin takes pride in offering premium Japanese-inspired garden tools that cater to all gardening needs. Shopping at Kiichin comes with several benefits:

  • Wide Selection: From trowels to pruning shears, you’ll find tools for every task.

  • Top-Quality Materials: Each product is designed to deliver long-lasting performance.

  • User-Friendly Website: Detailed product descriptions and customer reviews help you make informed decisions.

  • Fast Shipping: Receive your tools quickly and start enhancing your garden right away.

Popular Picks from Kiichin’s Garden Tools Collection

  • Stainless Steel Pruners

These pruners deliver sharp, precise cuts, making them ideal for maintaining flowers and shrubs.

  • Ergonomic Trowel

A must-have for planting, this trowel’s lightweight design ensures comfort and efficiency.

  • Heavy-Duty Lopper

Designed for thicker branches, this lopper combines power and precision for effortless pruning.

  • Multi-Purpose Cultivator

Perfect for aerating soil and removing weeds, this tool is a versatile addition to your gardening kit.

Final Thoughts

High-quality tools are the foundation of any successful garden. Kiichin’s Garden Tools Collection offers a range of Japanese-inspired products designed to enhance your gardening experience. From pruning to planting, every tool is crafted with precision and care, ensuring you enjoy every step of your gardening journey.

Visit Kiichin today and discover the perfect tools to bring your garden to life. Happy gardening!