



  • 原价 $11.22
    原价 $11.22 - 原价 $11.22
    原价 $11.22
    现价 $6.46
    $6.46 - $6.46
    现价 $6.46

    Omoeraku Oya 石筷架 - 优雅的米兰达风格

    Miranda Style

    介绍 Omoeraku 大谷石筷子架 - 优雅的米兰达风格。我们的筷子架采用产自日本宇都宫的耐用大谷石制成,表面涂有特殊涂层,强度更高。其简约的设计使其适合任何场合。为了保持其原始状态,我们建议手洗并避免刮伤。米兰达风格公司成立于 2009 年,致力于使用独特的大谷石打造高品质产品。凭借我们对...

    原价 $11.22
    原价 $11.22 - 原价 $11.22
    原价 $11.22
    现价 $6.46
    $6.46 - $6.46
    现价 $6.46
    节省42% 节省%
  • 原价 $21.82
    原价 $21.82 - 原价 $21.82
    原价 $21.82
    现价 $17.86
    $17.86 - $17.86
    现价 $17.86

    Ebm 不锈钢烧烤钳 - 优质烧烤用具


    介绍 Ebm 不锈钢烧烤钳,这是一款由 Ebematsu Co., Ltd. 设计的优质烧烤用具。这些钳子注重卫生和方便,配有防滑手柄和尖端,不会接触桌面。纤细的尖端可实现精确烧烤,而缎面则增添了一丝优雅。使用后彻底清洁和干燥这些工具,使其保持最佳状态。Ebm 是一家来自新潟燕市的值得信赖的综...

    原价 $21.82
    原价 $21.82 - 原价 $21.82
    原价 $21.82
    现价 $17.86
    $17.86 - $17.86
    现价 $17.86
    节省18% 节省%
  • 原价 $115.36
    原价 $115.36 - 原价 $115.36
    原价 $115.36
    现价 $93.73
    $93.73 - $93.73
    现价 $93.73

    山木井常滑陶土瓶茶壶 - 传统日本茶冲泡必备品



    原价 $115.36
    原价 $115.36 - 原价 $115.36
    原价 $115.36
    现价 $93.73
    $93.73 - $93.73
    现价 $93.73
  • 原价 $9.05
    原价 $9.05 - 原价 $9.05
    原价 $9.05
    现价 $7.15
    $7.15 - $7.15
    现价 $7.15

    Sori Yanagi 不锈钢咖喱勺 - 18.3 厘米 优质餐具

    Nihon Yoshokki

    隆重推出 Sori Yanagi 不锈钢咖喱勺 - 18.3 厘米,这是著名的 Sori Yanagi 厨具系列中的一款优质餐具。这款勺子由工业设计师 Sori Yanagi 设计,其特殊形状的尖端便于舀取,非常适合享用咖喱饭。它采用顶级不锈钢制成,可确保顺畅舒适的用餐体验。使用后,只需彻底清...

    原价 $9.05
    原价 $9.05 - 原价 $9.05
    原价 $9.05
    现价 $7.15
    $7.15 - $7.15
    现价 $7.15
    节省21% 节省%
  • 原价 $11.17
    原价 $11.17 - 原价 $11.17
    原价 $11.17
    现价 $8.83
    $8.83 - $8.83
    现价 $8.83

    Iwaki 玻璃调味瓶 300ml - 耐热且时尚

    Agc Techno Glass

    介绍 Iwaki 玻璃调味瓶 300ml - 一款时尚耐用的调味品盛放和储存选择。这款瓶子由耐热玻璃制成,可放入微波炉和冰箱。它具有防污防臭的特性,非常适合长期使用。记得用软海绵和洗洁精手洗以保持其质量。Iwaki Glass 成立于 1883 年,是一个值得信赖的品牌,以制造特种玻璃而闻名。

    原价 $11.17
    原价 $11.17 - 原价 $11.17
    原价 $11.17
    现价 $8.83
    $8.83 - $8.83
    现价 $8.83
    节省21% 节省%
  • 原价 $4.45 - 原价 $4.45
    原价 $4.45
    $18.83 - $18.83
    现价 $18.83

    Iwaki 240ml 耐热玻璃布丁杯

    Agc Techno Glass

    介绍 Iwaki 240ml 耐热玻璃布丁杯,完美融合了简约和品质。这款杯子由耐热玻璃制成,非常适合盛放糖果、甜点和开胃菜。其防污/防臭功能可确保长期使用,同时与微波炉、烤箱和洗碗机兼容,清洁起来轻而易举。Iwaki Glass 的历史可以追溯到 1883 年,以其在生产特种玻璃器皿方面的专业...

    原价 $4.45 - 原价 $4.45
    原价 $4.45
    $18.83 - $18.83
    现价 $18.83
  • 原价 $25.53 - 原价 $25.53
    原价 $25.53
    $27.40 - $27.40
    现价 $27.40

    Yamacoh 21 厘米高脚荞麦面盘 - 优质餐盘


    介绍 Yamacoh 21 厘米高脚荞麦面盘 - 一款展示 Yamacoh Co Ltd. 独特传统设计的优质餐盘。这款专业级产品采用细竹线手工制作,散发出天然材料的真实触感和质感。这款餐盘非常适合荞麦面餐厅和家庭使用,是日本中津川悠久历史和工艺的见证。为了保持其原始状态,我们建议手洗。使用 ...

    原价 $25.53 - 原价 $25.53
    原价 $25.53
    $27.40 - $27.40
    现价 $27.40
  • 原价 $24.74
    原价 $24.74 - 原价 $24.74
    原价 $24.74
    现价 $24.48
    $24.48 - $24.48
    现价 $24.48

    Swanson 28cm 橡胶木披萨餐盘


    介绍 Swanson Co., Ltd. 的 Chabatree 系列 Swanson 28 厘米橡胶木披萨餐盘。这款多功能餐盘不仅适合盛放披萨,还适合盛放面包、奶酪和熟食。其光滑的斜边可轻松滑入披萨下方。每次使用后,只需彻底清洗和晾干即可。Swanson Co., Ltd. 致力于可持续发展...

    原价 $24.74
    原价 $24.74 - 原价 $24.74
    原价 $24.74
    现价 $24.48
    $24.48 - $24.48
    现价 $24.48
    节省1% 节省%
  • 原价 $15.07
    原价 $15.07 - 原价 $15.07
    原价 $15.07
    现价 $14.16
    $14.16 - $14.16
    现价 $14.16

    正宗 TKG 美浓烧陶器饭碗 Kohiki 12.4 厘米 - 优质

    Endo Shoji

    探索美浓烧陶器的艺术,体验 TKG 美浓烧饭碗。这款饭碗在新潟县燕市手工制作,展现了正宗的日本工艺。它由 Endo Shoji Co., Ltd. 制造,符合最高质量标准。只要保养得当,这款优质饭碗可以使用多年。为您的厨房增添一丝传统气息,享受拥有这款精美作品的满足感。

    原价 $15.07
    原价 $15.07 - 原价 $15.07
    原价 $15.07
    现价 $14.16
    $14.16 - $14.16
    现价 $14.16
    节省6% 节省%
  • 原价 $14.09
    原价 $14.09 - 原价 $14.09
    原价 $14.09
    现价 $12.90
    $12.90 - $12.90
    现价 $12.90

    M-Taka 玻璃芥末锅 - 正宗日本厨具


    介绍 M-Taka 玻璃芥末锅,它是一款优雅实用的厨具系列产品。这款正宗的日本餐具非常适合家庭使用或作为贴心的礼物。透明的设计,配有勺子,为您的用餐体验增添一丝美感。这款芥末锅易于清洁和保养,是实用的选择。M-Taka Co. Ltd. 专门提供兼具美观和实用性的餐具。他们的产品系列包括商业用...

    原价 $14.09
    原价 $14.09 - 原价 $14.09
    原价 $14.09
    现价 $12.90
    $12.90 - $12.90
    现价 $12.90
    节省8% 节省%
  • 原价 $12.81
    原价 $12.81 - 原价 $12.81
    原价 $12.81
    现价 $10.70
    $10.70 - $10.70
    现价 $10.70

    Nonoji 美国婴儿食品不锈钢勺 - 优质喂食器具


    介绍 Nonoji Co.,Ltd. 婴儿食物勺 - 宝宝第一顿饭的完美伴侣。这款勺子的设计充分考虑了用户友好性和功能性,为普通工具提供了独特的视角。其特别设计的手柄确保父母和宝宝的舒适度,而其柔软圆润的边缘使其温和安全。这款来自 Nonoji Co.,Ltd. 的高品质勺子易于清洁和保养,是...

    原价 $12.81
    原价 $12.81 - 原价 $12.81
    原价 $12.81
    现价 $10.70
    $10.70 - $10.70
    现价 $10.70
    节省16% 节省%
  • 原价 $23.36 - 原价 $23.36
    原价 $23.36
    $23.40 - $23.40
    现价 $23.40

    下岛 大桧木寿司木屐盘(1 人份)

    Shimojima Mokko


    原价 $23.36 - 原价 $23.36
    原价 $23.36
    $23.40 - $23.40
    现价 $23.40
  • 原价 $22.41
    原价 $22.41 - 原价 $22.41
    原价 $22.41
    现价 $14.30
    $14.30 - $14.30
    现价 $14.30

    福井优质工艺黑色寿司餐盘 27x12cm

    Fukui Craft

    介绍福井的 Craft Black 寿司餐盘 27x12cm。这款优质餐具非常适合寿司和生鱼片,也是招待客人的绝佳展示品。它由轻质和防损坏的材料制成,可用于套餐,底盘上放米饭或汤,其他盘子上放配菜。使用后,只需彻底清洗并晾干即可存放。福井 Craft 有限公司位于福井县鲭江,以漆器生产而闻名,...

    原价 $22.41
    原价 $22.41 - 原价 $22.41
    原价 $22.41
    现价 $14.30
    $14.30 - $14.30
    现价 $14.30
    节省36% 节省%
  • 原价 $12.57 - 原价 $12.57
    原价 $12.57
    $21.35 - $21.35
    现价 $21.35

    Iwaki 小型耐热玻璃饼盘

    Agc Techno Glass

    介绍 Iwaki 小型耐热玻璃馅饼盘,它以耐用性和简约设计而闻名。这款多功能盘子由耐热玻璃制成,非常适合盛放蛋糕、水果、甜点和其他食物。它可安全用于微波炉、烤箱和洗碗机,不会吸收异味或污渍。请记住避免在明火上加热。为了保持其最佳状态,请使用软海绵和洗洁精进行清洁,避免使用可能损坏玻璃的研磨刷或...

    原价 $12.57 - 原价 $12.57
    原价 $12.57
    $21.35 - $21.35
    现价 $21.35
  • 原价 $20.46
    原价 $20.46 - 原价 $20.46
    原价 $20.46
    现价 $17.20
    $17.20 - $17.20
    现价 $17.20

    木制清酒杯 - 精选优质柏木

    The Light

    介绍 Hikiyose 的木制清酒杯 - 优质柏木精选。这款精美的木制产品将现代设计与传统工艺技术相结合,打造出一件独一无二且屡获殊荣的作品。这款杯子由 Kaichi Design 的 Kaichiro Yamada 设计,于 2014 年荣获优秀设计奖。为保持其最佳状态,请避免极端温度、湿度...

    原价 $20.46
    原价 $20.46 - 原价 $20.46
    原价 $20.46
    现价 $17.20
    $17.20 - $17.20
    现价 $17.20
    节省16% 节省%
  • 原价 $28.21
    原价 $28.21 - 原价 $28.21
    原价 $28.21
    现价 $23.95
    $23.95 - $23.95
    现价 $23.95

    Hikiyose 木盘柏木 - 优质中号托盘

    The Light

    介绍 Hikiyose Wooden Plate Cypress - 一款优质的中型托盘,将现代设计与日本传统工艺相结合。这款精美的木制产品采用“Kijibiki”和“Yosegi”技术制作而成,于 2014 年荣获著名的 Good Design Award 奖。由 Kaichi Design...

    原价 $28.21
    原价 $28.21 - 原价 $28.21
    原价 $28.21
    现价 $23.95
    $23.95 - $23.95
    现价 $23.95
    节省15% 节省%
  • 原价 $11.99 - 原价 $11.99
    原价 $11.99
    $13.54 - $13.54
    现价 $13.54



    发现 Wakaizumi 黑石圆边方形盘子,提升您的用餐体验。这款托盘由值得信赖的商业级餐具制造商 Wakaizumi Shikki Co., Ltd 制造,设计完美适合拉面碗。它注重细节,具有卓越的耐用性和质量,非常适合餐厅、护理机构甚至家庭使用。凭借半个多世纪的经验,Wakaizumi S...

    原价 $11.99 - 原价 $11.99
    原价 $11.99
    $13.54 - $13.54
    现价 $13.54
  • 原价 $20.52
    原价 $20.52 - 原价 $20.52
    原价 $20.52
    现价 $6.08
    $6.08 - $6.08
    现价 $6.08

    东大利休日本黑玫瑰鸡尾酒叉 - 精致饮品的优雅器具



    原价 $20.52
    原价 $20.52 - 原价 $20.52
    原价 $20.52
    现价 $6.08
    $6.08 - $6.08
    现价 $6.08
    节省70% 节省%
  • 原价 $20.52
    原价 $20.52 - 原价 $20.52
    原价 $20.52
    现价 $19.90
    $19.90 - $19.90
    现价 $19.90

    东大利休日本黑水晶鸡尾酒叉 - 精致饮品的优雅器具


    介绍 Todai Rikyu Japan 黑水晶鸡尾酒叉,这是一款真正优雅的精致饮品餐具。Todai Co., Ltd. 的这款奢华餐具系列具有独特的深色和闪亮的黑色,散发出优雅和精致的气息。这款餐具系列采用特殊的“不锈钢氧化”技术制作而成,拥有独特的颜色,这是通过涂层或人工染料无法实现的。凭...

    原价 $20.52
    原价 $20.52 - 原价 $20.52
    原价 $20.52
    现价 $19.90
    $19.90 - $19.90
    现价 $19.90
  • 原价 $18.24 - 原价 $18.24
    原价 $18.24
    $18.87 - $18.87
    现价 $18.87

    Hario Mizudashi 1000cc 冷萃咖啡壶 - 棕色


    介绍棕色 Hario Mizudashi 1000cc 冷萃咖啡壶。这款耐热玻璃瓶非常适合冲泡一杯美味的咖啡。配有过滤器,可轻松从瓶中倒出和饮用。紧凑的设计可方便地放入冰箱门中。这款咖啡壶荣获 2013 年优秀设计奖,是任何咖啡爱好者的绝佳选择。为获得最佳效果,请先将咖啡渣浸湿,然后摇晃并冷藏...

    原价 $18.24 - 原价 $18.24
    原价 $18.24
    $18.87 - $18.87
    现价 $18.87
  • 原价 $16.07
    原价 $16.07 - 原价 $16.07
    原价 $16.07
    现价 $8.03
    $8.03 - $8.03
    现价 $8.03

    高级白色密胺丼饭碗 - 15厘米 | 最小


    推出 Min Corporation 的优质白色密胺丼饭碗。有两种尺寸和两种颜色供您选择,为您的餐厅打造完美套装。这款轻巧坚固的餐具非常适合室内和室外使用。它具有光滑的瓷器外观,防碎且抗摔,非常适合繁忙的企业。可用洗碗机清洗,易于维护,但不适合微波炉使用。Min Corporation 自 1...

    原价 $16.07
    原价 $16.07 - 原价 $16.07
    原价 $16.07
    现价 $8.03
    $8.03 - $8.03
    现价 $8.03
    节省50% 节省%
  • 原价 $9.62 - 原价 $9.62
    原价 $9.62
    $12.16 - $12.16
    现价 $12.16

    银浦万古烧莲华汤勺&勺架 小号 - 小型莲华勺


    介绍银浦万古烧莲华汤勺和勺托小巧玲珑莲华勺。这套勺子采用最精致的万古烧(日本著名的传统工艺)制作而成,经久耐用。银浦株式会社自 1972 年以来一直生产备受推崇的银浦三岛系列,以高品质的茶壶、土锅砂锅和猪形蚊香盖而闻名。银浦株式会社拥有悠久的历史和对卓越工艺的执着,是日本值得信赖的制造商。通过...

    原价 $9.62 - 原价 $9.62
    原价 $9.62
    $12.16 - $12.16
    现价 $12.16
  • 原价 $11.30
    原价 $11.30 - 原价 $11.30
    原价 $11.30
    现价 $10.96
    $10.96 - $10.96
    现价 $10.96

    优质 40 毫升不锈钢奶精罐带盖 - Melody 品牌

    Ebe Seisakusho

    推出由江户制作所株式会社 (Ebe Seisakusho Co Ltd) 出品的著名品牌 Melody 出品的优质 40 毫升不锈钢奶油牛奶壶(带盖)。这款耐用可靠的餐具在日本燕市制造,经久耐用,非常适合商业场所使用。Melody 品牌是卓越和可靠的代名词,确保提供经久耐用的高品质产品。这款高...

    原价 $11.30
    原价 $11.30 - 原价 $11.30
    原价 $11.30
    现价 $10.96
    $10.96 - $10.96
    现价 $10.96

Exploring the Exquisite World of Japanese Barware and Tableware: Elevate Your Dining Experience with Authentic Japanese Crafts

In the realm of culinary artistry, Japanese barware and tableware have long been revered for their exquisite craftsmanship, elegant design, and profound cultural significance. These meticulously crafted pieces are more than mere vessels; they are canvases upon which the rich tapestry of Japanese tradition is woven, inviting you to embark on a sensory journey that transcends mere dining.

The benefits of Japanese Barware and Tableware

Embracing Japanese barware and tableware in your home offers a multitude of advantages that extend far beyond their aesthetic appeal. These timeless pieces:

  • Elevate the Dining Experience: Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, Japanese barware and tableware transform every meal into a celebration of the senses, elevating the ordinary into the extraordinary.

  • Embody Tradition and Craftsmanship: Each piece is a testament to the centuries-old traditions and techniques passed down through generations of skilled artisans, imbuing your dining experience with a profound sense of cultural heritage.

  • Promote Mindfulness: The thoughtful design and intricate details of Japanese barware and tableware encourage mindful dining, inviting you to savor each moment and appreciate the artistry that graces your table.

Exploring the unique features of Japanese barware and tableware

Japanese barware and tableware are distinguished by their unique features, which seamlessly blend functionality with artistic expression. Prepare to be captivated by:

  • Exquisite Glazes: From the depth of rich, earthy tones to the ethereal beauty of delicate glazes, each piece showcases the mastery of Japanese potters in creating visually stunning and tactile masterpieces.

  • Intricate Patterns and Motifs: Intricate patterns and motifs, often inspired by nature or traditional Japanese symbolism, adorn these pieces, inviting you to explore the intricate narratives woven into their designs.

  • Harmonious Proportions: Japanese barware and tableware are crafted with a keen eye for balance and harmony, ensuring that each piece feels comfortable in your hand and complements the overall dining experience.

Understanding the different types of Japanese barware and tableware

The world of Japanese barware and tableware is a kaleidoscope of diversity, with each category offering its own unique charm and purpose. Let's delve into the most prominent types:

  • Sake Vessels: From delicate sake cups (ochoko) to elegant sake carafes (tokkuri), these vessels are designed to enhance the enjoyment of Japan's revered rice wine.

Wooden Sake Cup - Premium Cypress Selection

Buy now: Wooden Sake Cup - Premium Cypress Selection

  • Tea Ceremony Wares: Steeped in centuries of tradition, the exquisite tea bowls (chawan), tea caddies (natsume), and whisks (chasen) used in the Japanese tea ceremony are true works of art.

Yamakiikai Tokoname Pottery Dobin Teapot - Traditional Japanese Tea Brewing Essential

Have a wonderful Tea Ceremony than ever with our Yamakiikai Tokoname Pottery Dobin Teapot - Traditional Japanese Tea Brewing Essential

  • Tableware: From intricately patterned plates and bowls to elegantly crafted chopstick rests and condiment dishes, Japanese tableware elevates the presentation of every dish.

Shimojima Large Hinoki Cypress Wooden Sushi Geta Plate for 1 Serving

Get your here: Shimojima Large Hinoki Cypress Wooden Sushi Geta Plate for 1 Serving

  • Barware: Discover the beauty of Japanese barware, including sleek sake bottles, unique cocktail glasses, and stylish decanters, designed to elevate your beverage experience.

How to choose the right Japanese barware and tableware for your home

When selecting Japanese barware and tableware for your home, consider the following factors:

  • Purpose: Determine the intended use of the pieces, whether for everyday dining, special occasions, or specific purposes like tea ceremonies or sake tastings.

  • Style and Aesthetic: Explore different styles and aesthetics, from the rustic charm of Raku ware to the understated elegance of Shino glazes, to find pieces that resonate with your personal taste.

  • Quality and Craftsmanship: Invest in high-quality pieces crafted by skilled artisans, ensuring longevity and appreciation for the intricate craftsmanship.

  • Versatility: Consider pieces that can seamlessly transition from formal to casual settings, allowing you to create a cohesive and adaptable tablescape.

Where to find authentic Japanese barware and tableware: our Kiichin

At Kiichin, we are passionate about curating a exceptional collection of authentic Japanese barware and tableware, sourced directly from renowned artisans and pottery studios across Japan. Our meticulously curated selection ensures that you can bring the essence of Japanese craftsmanship into your home with confidence.

From the iconic Arita porcelain to the rustic charm of Mashiko ware, our offerings span a diverse range of styles and techniques, catering to every taste and preference. Whether you seek to elevate your everyday dining experience or create a breathtaking tablescape for special occasions, Kiichin is your gateway to the exquisite world of Japanese barware and tableware.

Elevate your dining experience with our exquisite collection of authentic Japanese barware and tableware. Explore our curated selection at [Kiichin](https://www.kiichin.com) and immerse yourself in the timeless beauty and craftsmanship of Japan's culinary heritage. Use the code "JAPANESEART" to receive an exclusive 10% discount on your first purchase.


In the captivating realm of Japanese barware and tableware, each piece is a masterful fusion of form and function, inviting you to embark on a sensory journey that celebrates the rich tapestry of Japanese culture. By embracing these exquisite creations in your home, you not only elevate your dining experience but also honor the centuries-old traditions and artistry that have shaped Japan's culinary heritage.

At Kiichin, we are committed to bringing you the finest examples of Japanese craftsmanship, ensuring that every piece you acquire is a testament to the enduring beauty and artistry of this ancient art form. Embark on a journey of discovery and let the exquisite world of Japanese barware and tableware transform your dining experience into a truly extraordinary celebration of the senses.