Trading Card Games
Original price £29.00 - Original price £29.00Original price £29.00£32.00£32.00 - £32.00Current price £32.00| /
Bushiroad Weiss Schwarz 補充包 Ayakashi 三角盒
BushiroadIn stock這款「Bushiroad Weiss Schwarz Booster Pack Ayakashi Triangle Box」是建立您的 Weiss Schwarz 卡收藏的好方法!該包包含來自 Ayakashi Triangle 系列的強大卡片,以及精美的藝術品和角色。立即拿起盒子,成為終極 ...
View full detailsOriginal price £29.00 - Original price £29.00Original price £29.00£32.00£32.00 - £32.00Current price £32.00| / -
Original price £54.00Original price £54.00 - Original price £54.00Original price £54.00Current price £45.00£45.00 - £45.00Current price £45.00| /
Bandai 海賊王卡牌遊戲額外助推器紀念系列 [EB-01] 24 包盒裝
BandaiIn stock這款 Bandai 海賊王卡牌遊戲額外助推器紀念系列 [Eb-01] 24Pk 盒是這款熱門動漫系列粉絲的必備品。該套裝包含 24 個補充包,其中包含海賊王宇宙中的稀有卡牌,非常適合收藏家和遊戲玩家。獲得這款令人難以置信的版本,並加入尋找終極卡牌的行列!
Original price £54.00Original price £54.00 - Original price £54.00Original price £54.00Current price £45.00£45.00 - £45.00Current price £45.00| /Save 17% Save % -
Original price £24.00 - Original price £24.00Original price £24.00£51.00£51.00 - £51.00Current price £51.00| /
萬代海賊王卡牌遊戲終極牌組 ST-13
BandaiIn stockBandai 海賊王卡牌遊戲 Ultimate Deck ST-13 是一款為熱門海賊王系列粉絲打造的令人興奮的卡牌遊戲。這張牌組包括各種角色、強大的物品和魔法咒語。玩家必須運用自己的技巧和智慧智勝對手並取得勝利!透過這款令人驚嘆的紙牌遊戲享受數小時充滿動感的樂趣。
Original price £24.00 - Original price £24.00Original price £24.00£51.00£51.00 - £51.00Current price £51.00| / -
Original price £30.00 - Original price £30.00Original price £30.00£38.00£38.00 - £38.00Current price £38.00| /
Takara Tomy Wixoss Wxdi-P15 Booster Pack Diva 盒裝
Takara TomyIn stockTakara Tomy Wixoss Wxdi-P15 Booster Pack Diva Box 是任何 Wixoss 紙牌遊戲粉絲的完美收藏品。這個獨家盒子包含 15 個補充包,每個補充包包含 10 張來自 Diva Collection 的隨機卡片。非常適合擴展你的套牌並增強你的遊戲能力!
Original price £30.00 - Original price £30.00Original price £30.00£38.00£38.00 - £38.00Current price £38.00| / -
Original price £35.00 - Original price £35.00Original price £35.00£38.00£38.00 - £38.00Current price £38.00| /
Takara Tomy Wixoss Blue Archive Diva Box Wxdi-Cp02 TCG 補充包
Takara TomyIn stock使用 Takara Tomy Wixoss Blue Archive Diva Box Wxdi-Cp02 TCG 補充包釋放您的遊戲潛力。透過令人興奮的卡牌提升策略,享受無與倫比的遊戲之夜體驗。
Original price £35.00 - Original price £35.00Original price £35.00£38.00£38.00 - £38.00Current price £38.00| / -
Original price £39.00 - Original price £39.00Original price £39.00£61.00£61.00 - £61.00Current price £61.00| /
PokemonIn stock“使用 Crimson Haze Scarlet & Violet 擴充包增強您的 Pokemon 冒險。探索新策略和強大角色,享受史詩般的遊戲體驗!”
Original price £39.00 - Original price £39.00Original price £39.00£61.00£61.00 - £61.00Current price £61.00| / -
Original price £51.00Original price £51.00 - Original price £51.00Original price £51.00Current price £33.00£33.00 - £33.00Current price £33.00| /
Takara Tomy Wixoss TCG 補充包 Fezzone Diva 附 Denonbu DP-Box WxDi-P14
Takara TomyIn stock“使用 Takara Tomy 的 Wixoss TCG Booster Pack Fezzone Diva 和 Denonbu DP-Box WxDi-P14 來體驗令人興奮的遊戲玩法。提升你的牌組和策略以獲得最終勝利!”
Original price £51.00Original price £51.00 - Original price £51.00Original price £51.00Current price £33.00£33.00 - £33.00Current price £33.00| /Save 35% Save % -
Original price £30.00 - Original price £30.00Original price £30.00£44.00£44.00 - £44.00Current price £44.00| /
Takara Tomy Duel Masters TCG DMBD-19 火水統治牌組
Takara TomyIn stock使用 Takara Tomy Duel Masters TCG DMBD-19 Fire and Water Domination Deck 釋放遊戲的力量。這套引人入勝的牌組提供動態的遊戲體驗,是策略家的理想選擇。
Original price £30.00 - Original price £30.00Original price £30.00£44.00£44.00 - £44.00Current price £44.00| / -
Original price £44.00Original price £44.00 - Original price £44.00Original price £44.00Current price £29.00£29.00 - £29.00Current price £29.00| /
Bushiroad Weiss Schwarz 新櫻花大戰補充包盒
BushiroadIn stock“使用 Bushiroad Weiss Schwarz 新櫻花大戰補充包盒體驗驚心動魄的戰鬥。增強您的遊戲,解鎖新角色並增強您的套牌!”
Original price £44.00Original price £44.00 - Original price £44.00Original price £44.00Current price £29.00£29.00 - £29.00Current price £29.00| /Save 34% Save % -
Original price £47.00 - Original price £47.00Original price £47.00£51.00£51.00 - £51.00Current price £51.00| /
Bushiroad JOJO的奇妙冒險 黃金之風 維斯施瓦茲 強化包盒
BushiroadIn stock用 Bushiroad 的 Weiss Schwarz 補充包盒體驗《Jojo 的奇妙冒險:黃金之風》的刺激感。收集稀有卡牌並解鎖令人興奮的功能,以增強您的遊戲冒險。每個粉絲收藏的必備補充。
Original price £47.00 - Original price £47.00Original price £47.00£51.00£51.00 - £51.00Current price £51.00| / -
Original price £19.00 - Original price £19.00Original price £19.00£19.00£19.00 - £19.00Current price £19.00| /
Bushiroad JOJO的奇妙冒險 黃金之風 試玩牌組加Weiss Schwarz集換式卡牌遊戲
BushiroadIn stock透過 Bushiroad Golden Wind Trial Deck Plus 體驗《JOJO的奇妙冒險》的驚心動魄的宇宙。釋放 Weiss Schwarz 集換式卡牌遊戲的力量,取得戰略勝利!
Original price £19.00 - Original price £19.00Original price £19.00£19.00£19.00 - £19.00Current price £19.00| / -
Original price £45.00 - Original price £45.00Original price £45.00£64.00£64.00 - £64.00Current price £64.00| /
Bushiroad Weiss Schwarz The Quintessential 五胞胎補充包盒
BushiroadIn stock帶著 Bushiroad Weiss Schwarz 補充包盒進入典型五胞胎的迷人世界。非常適合粉絲和收藏家,透過令人興奮的新卡牌增強您的遊戲玩法。也非常適合送禮!
Original price £45.00 - Original price £45.00Original price £45.00£64.00£64.00 - £64.00Current price £64.00| / -
Original price £39.00 - Original price £39.00Original price £39.00£40.00£40.00 - £40.00Current price £40.00| /
Bushiroad Blue Archive Weiss Schwarz 補充包盒
BushiroadIn stock“使用 Bushiroad Blue Archive Weiss Schwarz 補充包盒來豐富您的卡牌收藏。重溫史詩般的戰鬥,讓遊戲玩法更加刺激。非常適合新手和專業收藏家。”
Original price £39.00 - Original price £39.00Original price £39.00£40.00£40.00 - £40.00Current price £40.00| / -
Original price £48.00 - Original price £48.00Original price £48.00£77.00£77.00 - £77.00Current price £77.00| /
Bushiroad Weiss Schwarz Project Sekai 多彩舞台 Vol.2 以初音未來為特色補充包
BushiroadIn stock使用我們的 Weiss Schwarz Project Sekai 多彩舞台 Vol.2 增強包來增強您的 TCG 遊戲,其中包含 Bushiroad 的初音未來。擴展你的牌組從未如此充滿活力!
Original price £48.00 - Original price £48.00Original price £48.00£77.00£77.00 - £77.00Current price £77.00| / -
Original price £5.00 - Original price £5.00Original price £5.00£6.00£6.00 - £6.00Current price £6.00| /
Pentel Zuko PTCG1-16 蠟筆套裝 - 16 種鮮豔顏色
PentelIn stock使用 Pentel Zuko PTCG1-16 蠟筆套裝探索您的創造力。見證 16 種鮮豔色彩的絢麗藝術栩栩如生。非常適合專案、工藝品或專業繪圖。易於處理且可持續。享受充滿活力的著色體驗!
Original price £5.00 - Original price £5.00Original price £5.00£6.00£6.00 - £6.00Current price £6.00| / -
Original price £7.00Original price £7.00 - Original price £7.00Original price £7.00Current price £6.00£6.00 - £6.00Current price £6.00| /
Pentel 16 色 Zukokurayon 透明標籤 - Ptcgp1-16 多色套裝
PentelIn stock“使用 Pentel 16 色 Zukokurayon 透明標籤套裝體驗充滿活力的創造力。適用於所有藝術和工藝項目的高品質多色蠟筆,保證順利應用和令人印象深刻的色彩回報。”
Original price £7.00Original price £7.00 - Original price £7.00Original price £7.00Current price £6.00£6.00 - £6.00Current price £6.00| /Save 14% Save % -
Original price £4.00 - Original price £4.00Original price £4.00£4.00£4.00 - £4.00Current price £4.00| /
Pentel Zuko 12 色蠟筆套裝 Ptcg1-12 適合藝術和工藝的鮮豔色彩
PentelIn stock使用 Pentel Zuko 12 色蠟筆套裝體驗生動活潑的創作。這些高品質蠟筆非常適合藝術和工藝品,提供一系列鮮豔的色彩,確保每個筆畫都脫穎而出。使用 Zuko 提升您的創造力!
Original price £4.00 - Original price £4.00Original price £4.00£4.00£4.00 - £4.00Current price £4.00| / -
Original price £8.00 - Original price £8.00Original price £8.00£8.00£8.00 - £8.00Current price £8.00| /
Pentel Zuko 24 色蠟筆套裝 Ptcg1-24 系列 Pentel
PentelIn stock使用 Pentel Zuko 24 色蠟筆套裝體驗彩虹般的創造力。這些高品質、充滿活力的蠟筆非常適合所有年齡層的藝術家,為素描和繪畫注入生命力。立即購買,發揮您的想像!
Original price £8.00 - Original price £8.00Original price £8.00£8.00£8.00 - £8.00Current price £8.00| /
Unleashing the Magic: Exploring the World of Japanese Trading Card Games
In the realm of gaming, few experiences can match the thrill and excitement of Trading Card Games (TCGs). These captivating games have transcended mere entertainment, becoming a global phenomenon that has captured the hearts and minds of millions. Among the myriad of TCGs available, the Japanese offerings stand out as true masterpieces, combining intricate gameplay mechanics with breathtaking artwork and immersive narratives. Join us as we embark on an extraordinary journey, unveiling the magic of Japanese Trading Card Games.
What is Trading Card Games (TCG)
Trading Card Games are a genre of collectible card games where players construct decks from a vast pool of cards, each with unique abilities and strategies. These games revolve around the concept of strategically deploying cards to outmaneuver opponents, unleashing powerful combos, and ultimately claiming victory. The true essence of TCGs lies in their ability to foster creativity, critical thinking, and social interaction, as players engage in friendly competitions or casual gameplay sessions.
TCGs encompass a wide array of themes, from fantastical realms to futuristic battlefields, each with its own intricate lore and rich storytelling. The allure of these games extends beyond mere gameplay, as collectors and enthusiasts alike revel in the pursuit of rare and coveted cards, adding depth and excitement to the overall experience.
Add to your collection new Trading Card Games at Kiichin !
Popular Japanese trading card games
Japan, a nation renowned for its innovative and imaginative approach to gaming, has given birth to some of the most iconic and beloved Trading Card Games. These games have not only captivated audiences within Japan but have also gained a massive global following, transcending cultural boundaries and uniting players from all walks of life.
Bushiroad Weiss Schwarz Booster Pack Ayakashi Triangle Box
Features beautifully illustrated cards from the Ayakashi Triangle anime and manga series.
Includes rare and collectible cards for both players and collectors.
Provides exciting gameplay mechanics tied to the Weiss Schwarz system, a game known for its strategic depth and thematic focus.
Bushiroad Weiss Schwarz Booster Pack Ayakashi Triangle Box
Buy now: Bushiroad Weiss Schwarz Booster Pack Ayakashi Triangle Box
Weiss Schwarzblau Bushiroad Booster Pack Eve Zingai/Card Collection Box
Stunning art inspired by the music and themes of *Eve*.
Cards that are ideal for expanding your Weiss Schwarzblau deck.
A unique collector's experience with limited-edition card designs.
Weiss Schwarzblau Bushiroad Booster Pack Eve Zingai/Card Collection Box
Shop now: Weiss Schwarzblau Bushiroad Booster Pack Eve Zingai/Card Collection Box
Pokémon Card Game Scarlet & Violet Special Deck Set Ex - Fushigibana, Charizard, Blastoise
Pre-constructed decks featuring these legendary Pokémon.
Exclusive Ex cards showcasing enhanced powers.
A fantastic way to celebrate the Scarlet & Violet series.
Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Stella Miracle Deck Build Box Card Game
Add to your collection: Pokemon Scarlet & Violet Stella Miracle Deck Build Box Card Game
Pokémon Night Wanderer Box – Enhanced Scarlet & Violet Card Game Expansion Pack
New gameplay strategies with enhanced mechanics.
A diverse selection of cards featuring Pokémon from the Night Wanderer expansion.
A must-have for fans looking to strengthen their decks or find rare collectibles.
Pokemon Night Wanderer BoxEnhanced Scarlet & Violet Card Game Expansion Pack
Add to cart: Pokemon Night Wanderer BoxEnhanced Scarlet & Violet Card Game Expansion Pack
Pokémon Stella Miracle Box - Scarlet & Violet Card Game Expansion Pack
Unique cards that enhance gameplay for both casual and competitive players.
Themed Pokémon cards highlight the Stella Miracle storyline.
An excellent opportunity for collectors to own some of the most striking designs in the series.
Pokemon Stella Miracle Box - Scarlet & Violet Card Game Expansion Pack
Bring it home: Pokemon Stella Miracle Box - Scarlet & Violet Card Game Expansion Pack
How to play a Japanese TCG
While each Japanese TCG has its own unique ruleset and gameplay mechanics, there are certain commonalities that serve as a foundation for these games. To embark on your journey into the world of Japanese TCGs, you'll need to familiarize yourself with the following essential elements:
Deck Construction: Building a deck is the first step in your TCG adventure. This involves carefully selecting cards that complement each other, creating synergistic combos and strategies. Understanding card types, effects, and deck-building restrictions is crucial for crafting a formidable deck.
Game Phases: Most Japanese TCGs follow a structured gameplay flow, divided into phases such as the Draw Phase, Main Phase, Battle Phase, and End Phase. Mastering the timing and sequencing of actions within these phases is key to outmaneuvering your opponents.
Resource Management: Resource management is a critical aspect of TCG gameplay. Whether it's managing your hand, controlling your field, or managing resources like Life Points or Mana, effective resource allocation can often determine the outcome of a duel.
Card Effects and Interactions: Japanese TCGs are renowned for their intricate card effects and interactions. Understanding how cards interact with each other, triggering combos, and anticipating your opponent's moves are essential skills for any skilled player.
Metagame and Strategy: As with any competitive game, staying abreast of the metagame and evolving strategies is crucial. Participating in local tournaments, joining online communities, and studying top-tier deck lists can provide valuable insights and help you refine your skills.
Where to buy Japanese TCGs and cards
Embarking on your TCG journey requires access to a reliable source for purchasing cards and related merchandise. Enter Kiichin, a premier online destination for all your Japanese TCG needs. With an extensive collection of cards, booster packs, and accessories from various TCGs, Kiichin offers a one-stop shop for enthusiasts and collectors alike.
Kiichin's user-friendly platform makes it easy to navigate through their vast inventory, allowing you to search for specific cards, sets, or franchises. Whether you're seeking rare and coveted cards or simply looking to expand your collection, Kiichin's commitment to quality and authenticity ensures that you receive genuine products directly from trusted sources.
Additionally, Kiichin goes beyond just selling cards. They offer a wealth of resources, including deck-building guides, gameplay tutorials, and a vibrant community forum where players can connect, share strategies, and stay up-to-date with the latest news and events in the TCG world.
Unleash your passion for Japanese Trading Card Games and embark on an unforgettable journey with Kiichin. Visit Kiichin today and immerse yourself in the magic of these captivating games. Whether you're a seasoned player or a newcomer, Kiichin has everything you need to elevate your TCG experience to new heights. Discover rare and coveted cards, connect with a vibrant community, and let your strategic prowess shine. The world of Japanese TCGs awaits – join the adventure today!
Japanese Trading Card Games have carved a unique and indelible mark in the world of gaming, captivating players with their intricate gameplay mechanics, stunning artwork, and rich narratives. From the iconic Yu-Gi-Oh! to the immersive world of Weiß Schwarz, these games offer a thrilling and rewarding experience that transcends age and cultural boundaries.
As you embark on your TCG journey, remember that true magic lies not only in the cards themselves but also in the connections forged, the strategies crafted, and the shared experiences with fellow enthusiasts. Whether you're a seasoned duelist or a newcomer to the world of TCGs, the path ahead is filled with endless possibilities and unforgettable moments.
So, gather your cards, sharpen your wits, and let the duels begin! The world of Japanese Trading Card Games awaits, ready to unleash its magic upon those brave enough to embrace its challenges and revel in its triumphs